On December 7, 2017, Luther Dittman made a quick trip home during lunch when an auto accident changed his life forever. “You never think it can happen to you, but one minute I’m living my life doing what I do every day and the next I’m being cut out of my pickup and talking to doctors about the loss of my leg,” explained Dittman. Married with two daughters under the age of five, Luther was 26 years old and facing the real fear of how he was going to care and provide for his family during his long recovery.
Luther was hospitalized for two months before returning to his new life, which did not look anything like the one he knew before December 7. Luther has wondered about that day and if any one decision might have changed the outcome. “It’s hard to know, but one choice I will never regret is placing payment protection on my loans at Dakotaland,” stated Dittman
Due to his inability to work during his recovery, the credit union was able pay his loans in full. “It was such a relief knowing we didn’t have to wonder where the money was going to come from to make our loan payments,” shared Luther. Jodi Hanson, Consumer Loan Officer at the Huron Branch, recalls Luther coming to see her after his accident. He told Jodi, “Please don’t let anyone walk out of this office with a loan without this protection.”
Dittman is still dealing with his rehabilitation after enduring 34 surgeries with more to come. He gives credit to the strength of his wife, Bonnie Sue, and their children for getting him through it. Years later, Luther is still thankful for the safeguards like payment protection he had in place for he and his family. “If I have learned anything from this experience, it is we are only one accident away from a different life, but if you are willing to put some safety measures in place in the event something bad does happen, it won’t break you,” concluded Dittman.