One of the incentives in obtaining a credit card are the perks and rewards that come with it. Depending on your personal spending habits, some credit cards may fit your needs better than others, however; the Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Visa credit card offers a 5-star rewards points program, while still offering an incredibly low interest rate, no annual fee and increased security with purchase alerts. While you are taking advantage of your savings, be sure to check out some of the rewards you can receive when you use your Dakotaland Visa card at www.scorecardrewards.com.
Rewards for the Shopper: Within the Scorecard Rewards program, card holders receive points that are redeemable on merchandise. Merchandise can range from Apple Airpods to Michael Kors sunglasses and more, making Christmas shopping a breeze.
Rewards for the Traveler: Another perk of the Scorecard Rewards program includes travel and fuel discounts. Cardholders can use their points to buy flights, luggage, hotel rooms and more. If you’re a frequent traveler, these rewards are a no brainer.
Rewards for the Foodie: You can never go wrong with good food, and it tastes even better when it’s free. Redeem your scorecard rewards points as gift cards to all your favorite restaurants or gift them to your favorite foodie.
Rewards for the Events Junkie: This perk is one of our favorites, and it’s perfect if you love attending local events! Whether it’s a concert or tickets to a football game, cardholders can redeem their points to purchase tickets to their favorite events.
Rewards for the Techie: If the latest gadget or electronic device catches your attention, you’re going to love this line up. Scorecard rewards can make that tablet, Fire Stick or Bluetooth speaker the next addition to your collection.
As a Dakotaland VISA® cardholder, you can earn an unlimited number of reward points based on your purchases. It is also important to know unused points will expire annually after 6 years beginning 12/31/2028. To maximize your rewards, we recommend redeeming your points frequently. To apply for a Dakotaland Visa credit card and start earning reward points, check out https://www.dakotalandfcu.com/personal-lending/personal-loan/visa today.