When it’s time to shop for a new credit card, finding one with the right fit for you can be a challenge. To make it easier, we have narrowed the search with three questions which will customize your quest for the perfect fit.
1. How’s your credit score?
Knowing your credit score may:
· Determine which offers you are eligible to apply.
· Influence your success of being approved.
· Define the interest rate and/or fees you will incur.
· Impact the credit limit you will be allowed.
These answers will determine your eligibility for a new credit card.
2. Why do you need a new credit card?
· Are you trying to build new credit or possibly repair damaged credit?
· Is this your personal credit card or do you need it for your business?
· Will you be using your new card to consolidate or transfer balances from other credit cards?
· Will you be using your card regularly for international travel?
· Do you require a specific spending limit on your new card?
The answers to these questions will give you the functionality you are most looking for in a new credit card.
3. What do I want from my new credit card?
Do you want to:
· Save money on interest and/or fees?
· Earn points or rewards?
· Gain cash back on purchases?
· Receive automatic alerts on card activity?
· Know you have protection on your purchases?
The answers to these questions prioritize the list of features you are most looking for in a new credit card.
Now that you have narrowed your search, be sure to review your offers thoroughly and never be afraid to seek advice from your local credit union