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It is always difficult to understand why bad things happen to good people. The Weinreis family is much like any other family. They work hard, they play hard and they take care of each other, but they have also seen their fair share of heartbreak. Their story is just one of many who quickly realized how misfortune can change the course of ones’ life and how one small decision can give comfort in a very difficult time.

Thirty–three years ago, Bill Weinreis, and his wife Candy, opened their first account with Dakotaland Federal Credit Union. Bill had graduated from high school and had started his first job at Dakota Pork in Huron, SD. In addition, they had become new parents to their first born child, Derek. In 1987, Bill transferred to North Carolina and even though he moved his family, Mr. Weinreis maintained his membership and ties to his local credit union ‘back home in South Dakota’.

As time passed, the Weinreis Family grew to six with the addition of two daughters and a son; Lavin, Drew and Jessalyn. Missing home and wanting to be closer to family, the time had come to move back to Huron. Bill returned to work at Dakota Pork and Candy began working in the medical field. 

Dakotaland Federal Credit Union had always been a steadfast part of the Weinreis’ life. Bill and Candy purchased their first car with the help of the credit union and also bought their first home through Dakotaland. Keeping the family tradition, all four of the Weinreis children became members of the credit union and opened their first accounts as well. In 1997, the news of a plant closing left Bill unemployed and very concerned for his family’s future.“When Dakota Pork closed, I lost my job along with hundreds of others. If it wasn’t for the help of Dakotaland, my family and I would have lost everything we had worked for,” explained Weinreis. Regardless the need or the hardship, Bill and Candy felt they were able to rely on their Credit Union to help them get through it.   

In 1999, the worst news a parent can expect was delivered to the Weinreis home. Bill and Candy endured the tragic loss of their 16 year old son, Derek, in a car accident. It was at that moment the family fully understood the importance of having insurance. From that point on, when Bill and Candy secured a loan at the credit union and were asked if disability and life insurance coverage should be added, there was no hesitation. The answer was, yes!
Fast forward to the summer of 2014. Candy became unable to work due to health issues. A once two income household was now downsized to one, which was a major adjustment for all. In addition, there were growing medical expenses and many trips to Sioux Falls for treatment. As the financial pressure continued to build, Bill once again went to his credit union. He visited with his loan officer regarding Candy’s health issues and the strain it was putting on the family. Much to Bill’s relief, it was explained the disability insurance they had taken out on their loans would make the payments while she was unable to work. The good news is the disability insurance made regular payments on those loans and the possessions they were anticipating would need to be sold, they were now able to keep. The bad news is Candy never regained her health and was unable to return to work. On March 26th 2016, Candy passed away unexpectedly at the age of 51. Her passing left a hole in the hearts of those who knew her and a larger hole in the Weinreis Family. 

Once again, Bill received news from the credit union. This time it was to let him know the life insurance policy he and Candy had taken out on the vehicle loans would pay the debt in full putting any concerns he may have had to rest. 

“No one is ever truly prepared for an unexpected loss, but I know if it wasn’t for Dakotaland and the services they offer, the impact on me and my family would have been overwhelming to say the least”, added Bill.