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When you meet Isaac Wilde, within the first few minutes, two facts are evident. He is proud to call South Dakota his home and he is one of the most motivated and driven young men you will come across. This Lake Preston native has rallied in a profession dominated by those 20–30 years his senior to become one of the youngest agricultural pilots in the area. If that isn’t enough, at the ripe old age of 24, Isaac has realized his dream of being the owner/operator of a spray application business with the recent opening of Wilde Air Service located at the Brookings Airport. 

Wilde’s startup venture is fueled by his collection of valuable education and experience, as well as his desire to serve the many local farm families that make up the ag community he grew up in. “I could have taken my degree and flight experience and found a job as a commercial, private or charter pilot. Maybe even went into the military, but my heart is here in South Dakota helping farmers get the most they can for the work they do”, declared Wilde.

Isaac graduated in 2015 from South Dakota State University with a bachelor’s degree in Aviation and minor in Business. In fulfillment of the requirements of his degree, Wilde logged the necessary flight miles, but didn’t stop there. He spent time as a spray plane pilot working for different aerial application services around the area covering more than 100,000 acres. In the off season, Isaac accepted a position as a bush pilot based out of Bethel, Alaska delivering to the most remote areas in some very interesting weather conditions. “In locations without roads and access only by sled, boat or plane, I delivered everything from people to mail to supplies of all kinds. One of my most interesting cargos was transporting a load of sled dogs”, explained Isaac. In addition to his already growing resume, Wilde obtained his pesticide license and also took some time to pass his love of flight on to students at Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown working as a flight instructor.

In 2016, Isaac stopped by his local credit union branch in Volga and visited with Dakotaland Manager, Gene Bjorklund, about his dream of opening an aerial spray service. “I knew I was young and what was required to start the business was going to be fairly significant, but all I needed to hear was Gene to say he thought it was a possibility and I was on my way to making it happen,” said Wilde. Shortly after, Isaac located a plane in Nebraska, which quickly set his plan into motion.

As the owner of his own air service, Wilde truly understands the meaning of ‘jack of all trades’. He arrives at the airport very early in the morning to finalize his maps, mix and load sprays and prep his plane for flight by first light. Isaac does not seem to mind the long days and he knows his commitment to his customers is what it’s all about. Many of Wilde Air Service customers come from partnering with third party co–ops in the local area. He also sees a 

significant amount of business come through referrals from his list of satisfied and repeat customers ranging from as far west as Iroquois, SD and as far east as Tracy, MN. As Isaac reflects on his early achievements, he gives plenty of credit to his parents, Jim and Monica Wilde of Lake Preston for their positive influence and to his wife, Mandy for her unwavering support of his ‘wilde idea’.

When asked about the future plans for his new business, Wilde hopes to eventually upgrade his plane from a piston to turbo prop and build a hanger to house his investment. Long term, Isaac would love to see his startup turn into a family operated business and possibly be Wilde & Sons (or daughter) someday. For now, Wilde just wants to take care of his customers, build his client base and FLY!