

    The IRS website for the Advance Child Tax Credit has been updated to include the portal to unenroll from the monthly payments scheduled to start July 15th. This link will provide you with more information and/or unenroll inthe advanced payments of ...

    SD Consumer Handbook

    The South Dakota Consumer Handbook is one of the most useful resources available. It provides education, advice and assistance on a vast number of topics ranging from identity theft, to recognizing scams and frauds, to knowing your rights as a ...

    New HIre

    Rachel Dix of Aberdeen, SD earns a seat on the Board of Directors of Dakotaland Federal Credit Union. Dix fills a vacancy on the volunteer board, which is composed of six other members from across the credit union’s 27 county service area. “Rachel ...

    How do you start teaching young children about money? You talk to them in simple terms and work with examples that can make sense to them. At early ages you’re not preparing them for an economics degree, but you can at least start talking to your ...

    Team Work

    Huron, South Dakota - March 25, 2021 Dakotaland Federal Credit Union congratulates Tom Gietzen on his recent retirement announcement, while Ryan Fuchs steps into the position of Vice President of Business Lending. “The Credit Union is thankful for ...

    October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and we want to keep you and all that matters to you safe. Here is our first tip of the month.

    October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Now is the perfect time to be reminded of how to keep yourself safe online and avoid falling victim to scams. Here are the top five cybersecurity tips to stay safe:

    In the world of finance we see many online scams designed to take advantage of our members' trust and money. Leading the pack is what is referred to as "Romance Scams".

    The best defense starts with a strong password. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

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